
Aronia-Mysterious Healthy Fruit

Aronia-Mysterious Healthy Fruit

Strawberries of Aronia among the Indians were always respected as the miracle fruit, the modern world the tart berries declared as super food.
Why are healthy
It contains more anthocyanins, designed to protect against cancer, as any other fruit. Those antioxidants, which have the Aronia berries intense purple color, however, have proved as a strong defense in protecting against cardiovascular diseases, chronic inflammation and even liver damage in rats.
Where obtained
Find natural juices, which contain a mixture of aronia and others, charged with the antioxidants of fruit (blueberries, blackberries and acai), which reduced its intense flavor.

Aronia-Mysterious Healthy Fruit


Peruvian Cherry (Physalis)- Mysterious Healthy Fruit

peruvian-ground-cherry-fruit-interior.jpg by Strata Chalup
Peruvian Cherry (Physalis)- Mysterious Healthy Fruit

Mysterious Healthy Fruit: Peruvian Cherry (Physalis)
Dark yellow or orange fruits originate from South America. Fresh can also be found in some major shops, they are often on bags on the shelves with dried fruits.
Why are healthy?
Ration of dry Physalis contains 4 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. Peruvian cherries are also an excellent source of vitamin A and antioxidants that they protect against diseases.

How do you enjoy this fruit
Dried fruits afford as a snack, like the eating raisins. They can be sprinkled on salad or flakes for breakfast. From fresh Physalis you can prepare refresh lunch or aromatic fruit salad.

Peruvian Cherry (Physalis)- Mysterious Healthy Fruit


Fruits and Vegetables can Heal Diseases

Fruits and Vegetables can Heal Diseases

Experts are more than satisfied: fruit and vegetables is not only healthy food, but makes us, beware, even healthy.
Experts are divided on. Fruits and vegetables can heal diseases, and some may be completely prevented. In Boston they did a study where the 100,000 patients demonstrated that the bananas to prevent certain diseases meshes.
If you eat three bananas a day, the risk of disease is reduced to one third. But also in other types of fruits are hidden healing effects. Kiwi fruit is in Japan has long been used in the treatment of cancer.
Cranberries reduce cholesterol in the blood and the pineapple is a very good against pain in the stomach. Even vegetables have their healing effects. Tomatoes, for example are known as a good weapon against cancer, but the celery helps inflammation of the bladder.

Fruits and Vegetables can Heal Diseases


Therapeutic Effect of Grapes

Therapeutic Effect of Grapes

Black and White Grapes
Therapeutic effect of grapes
Grapes, one of the most popular fruits, containing many rich minerals.
Rich represented with minerals grapes are essential food for the nerves, bones and brain. Grapes are good for the teeth, as it contains substances that destroy bacteria in the mouth and deplete the tooth coverings that cause caries.
You’d rather choose to red or black grapes, as it has more beneficial substances for the organism than in white. Antocyan, the red or blue pigment in the grape skin, is through the blood improving supply the body with oxygen. Irrespective of the color of the grapes, the active ingredients of grape sands act as antioxidants, which destroy free radicals.
Anyone who wants to solve the surplus should afford the grapes, because it works treatment, and is a frequent component of diet for reducing weight.

Therapeutic Effect of Grapes


Asparagus-Refining with Asparagus

Bacon Wrapped Asparagus by disneymike
Asparagus-Refining with Asparagus

Refining with asparagus
Spring delicacy with many minerals and vitamins, to promote kidney function, are an excellent food for the purification of the body, but also as a stimulant or a sedative. All this and more are asparagus .They’re rich with folic acid.
Spring Asparagus is a delicacy, while containing a very large number of nutrients. The first, which may be exposed, is the folic acid, which is important for the rejuvenation of cells, the formation of blood and the formation of hormones. Did you know that 100 grams of asparagus contains three quarters of the daily dose of folic acid and one-quarter of vitamin C? In addition, asparagus is also a rich source of vitamin E and Beta-carotene, which the body amended into vitamin A. Also contain protein, potassium, iron and vitamins B1, B2 and B6. Slightly more minerals containing green asparagus, all of which are very low in calories - 100 grams of asparagus has only 17 calories. If you has problems with digestion, for you asparagus is the right choice, because acting as a mild diuretic. In addition, to promote kidney function, and are perfect for the purification of the body. Since they contain components, which eliminated sulfur, may encourage unpleasant odor of urine.
Refreshments and a sedative
In traditional folk medicine asparagus was used as refreshments and a sedative, they are treated well and nerve inflammation and rheumatism. In addition, asparagus cleanse the blood and stimulate the liver and lungs.
Tip for purchase
When you buying asparagus, look to select fresh asparagus with shiny silk shell and a closed head. Regardless of whether you choose to purchase the white, green and wild asparagus, can store wrapped in paper in the refrigerator for four days.

Asparagus-Refining with Asparagus


Black Radish-Therapeutic Significance

Black Radish-Therapeutic Significance

Black radish is also medicinal herb
Black radish grows to a height of 60 centimeters
Black radish is in the kitchen widespread and popular, but should not be forgotten, nor its therapeutic significance.
This plant is a need to terminate, if we got sick or sensitive stomach or intestines, because a radish contains oil, which contains sulfur, which greatly inflate.
On the other hand radish is, if we enjoy without salt, a great asset to the problems with the liver and bile. It promotes the secretion of bile and act against jaundice, bile stone and biliary inflammation.
If to the juice of radish we add honey, we obtain ancient medicine against cough, hoarseness and mucus in the lungs.

Black Radish-Therapeutic Significance


Lamb's Lettuce-Prince of Salad

Lamb's Lettuce-Prince of Salad

Green and fresh
Do you know prince of salad?
Lamb's lettuce is one of the most popular salads, and a valuable fresh winter vegetable.
Lamb's lettuce started to grow in the last century, when they farmers accrue to in the field, is now grown mainly in greenhouses. It is vegetable moderately hot band, a slight taste of nuts and is one of the more expensive vegetables. Dark green lamb’s lettuce leaves contain a lot of health beneficial substances. They are full of magnesium, which increases the ability of concentration and protects against stress, as well as potassium and iron. It has five times as much pro-A and three times as much vitamin C as a major lettuce, also contains vitamin B6 and folic acid. Lamb's lettuce is a relative to Valerian, in its roots and leaves found Valerian's essential oil, it works reassuring to stomach. Because of fiber and components that promote the passage of food is effective for metabolism.
Expensive as saffron
Lamb's lettuce sold from autumn to early spring months, especially during winter time, however, due to the lack of other vegetables rather expensive. Lamb's lettuce when purchasing a high-quality identified by the dark green, at home you can in the refrigerator for several days stored in a container or plastic bag. Cleaning lamb’s lettuce is quite time consuming task, but the effort is always repaid. Usually it is prepared as a salad, very grazing with hard boiled eggs, but it may be perfectly combined with other types of lettuces and fresh herbs.
Useful materials in lamb’s lettuce keep as far as possible, if collected immediately before use and not soaked in water and serve as quickly as possible. Spices and herbs, which near lamb’s lettuce most grazing are chives, garlic, sugar and maple syrup. Nutritional value: one hundred grams lamb’s lettuce has 12 calories.

Lamb's Lettuce-Prince of Salad