Eco, organic, integrated, domestic food

Eco, organic, integrated, domestic
Food. Symbols like domestic, natural and integrated do not mean that the food is organic. Therefore, attention at shopping!
Food labels can mislead the buyer, as some give the impression that it is for organic food, though this is not the case.
Eco, biological and organic
These three codes have the same meaning; indicate food that is produced naturally and correspond exactly to a particular standard. Organic food is one that is produced under the supervision and without synthetic herbicides to protect crops, artificial fertilizers and synthetic additives in animal feed. The cornerstone of organic farming is cultivation of food, which preserves the natural balance.
Integrated is not organic
In this code should be careful because it does not mean anything more than that the food is produced partly ecological. The use of artificial fertilizers and sprays it in this kind of production is allowed, but limited to the strict minimum.
Eco, organic, integrated, domestic food

Domestic and natural
A common mistake consumers is that even for food, which says that they are domestic or natural, they think, that they are therefore produced without chemicals and are equivalent to organic food labels (eco, biological, organic). Nothing is farther from the truth, because they have not been controlled and are not certified. Indeed, they may grow in the home garden, but with the use of chemical agents and near traffic roads!
Domestic food

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