Recommendations by the consumption of fruit is very healthy, even the glorification of the fruit as a complete food, some people read very wrong, in good faith to benefit their body is literally overeating with fruit and enjoy it with every meal. Fruit itself - for example, the biologically produced - does contain many vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, fiber and carbohydrates for energy, but your logic certainly already savvy that neither extreme is good and the excessive consumption of fruit, especially if it is mixed with other foods, may have negative effects on digestion, body weight and physical and mental well-being.
What if the consumption of fruit just is not so great?
Adult be as recommended by experts to eat daily between 250 and 500 grams of fruit, depending on age, gender, body weight, digestive characteristics of this food. If you eat more fruit daily, as it’s recommended, may occur indigestion, eructation, and abdominal pain. Dietitians and scientists have created a number of theories on how to enjoy the fruits that the optimal use of the body and from that you will not gain weight. Except the father of the protein diet, dr. Atkinson, no one else was so bold, that would advise that you should consume fruits completely waived.
Fruit- a complete food

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