Data from institutions various researches still shows the loading of fruit with pesticides, and often the consumer is confused and does not know what is better, eat fresh fruit and vegetables or not. The fact is that even in the processes of conventional agriculture use of fertilizers and pesticides is controlled. Residues of these and other materials for surface protection of fruit and vegetables during storage remain on the surface. So, a hygiene kind of food preparation dictates washing fruit (pears, apples, plums ...) and vegetables under cold running water before consume or cooked processed.
Fruits and Vegetables- Agriculture

You must also think of the enjoyment of peeled fruit, of course this is the banana, citrus and kiwi, by peeling pears, apples, peaches, apricots or plums you remove most of the substances causing the fruit at all enjoyable. Therefore buy seasonal fruit and vegetables (storage period is shorter), fruit and vegetables with no visible traces of rot, abrasion and other mechanical damage, immediately before ingestion of a good wash under running water, but never wash fruit and vegetables in large quantities of water!
Fruits and Vegetables- Agriculture

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