We all know the fruit as a source of vitamins, but it is much more. Let us not forget the antioxidants. While our body produces its own antioxidants, its resistance also increased with daily consumption of foods containing antioxidants. The importance of antioxidants is still, despite numerous studies that speak to their advantage, the subject of lively debates. Antioxidants protect our organism against free radicals, produced by the body during metabolism, or are part of the defense against bacteria.
The body increases the production of free radicals, if we are over-exposed to environmental pollution, ultraviolet rays, cigarette smoke ... Fortunately, many foods contain antioxidants that help protect the body from danger. Neutralize free radicals, especially some vitamins E, C and A (beta-carotene) and minerals such as selenium (avocados, sea fish and seafood), zinc (red meat, fish, wheat germ ...) and copper (nuts, seeds ...).
Fruit-Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidant properties also have other substances in certain vegetables and fruits (cinarin in the artichokes). Antioxidants are in the food industry are also important preservatives. They add them to the margarine and oil that causes a disadvantage oxidation (rancidity) and help maintain a natural appearance.
Antioxidants in fruit juices to prevent a change in color to be added to wheat flour and improve the properties of the flour in baking. In order to ensure sufficient supply of natural vitamins and minerals and the antioxidants, it is still safer to eat more fresh dark green vegetables and yellow-red fruit with nuts and avocado at the forefront rather than only to turn to food supplements.
Fruit-Source of Antioxidants

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