

Eco, organic, integrated, domestic food


Eco, organic, integrated, domestic food

Eco, organic, integrated, domestic
Food. Symbols like domestic, natural and integrated do not mean that the food is organic. Therefore, attention at shopping!
Food labels can mislead the buyer, as some give the impression that it is for organic food, though this is not the case.
Eco, biological and organic
These three codes have the same meaning; indicate food that is produced naturally and correspond exactly to a particular standard. Organic food is one that is produced under the supervision and without synthetic herbicides to protect crops, artificial fertilizers and synthetic additives in animal feed. The cornerstone of organic farming is cultivation of food, which preserves the natural balance.
Integrated is not organic
In this code should be careful because it does not mean anything more than that the food is produced partly ecological. The use of artificial fertilizers and sprays it in this kind of production is allowed, but limited to the strict minimum.

Eco, organic, integrated, domestic food

Domestic and natural
A common mistake consumers is that even for food, which says that they are domestic or natural, they think, that they are therefore produced without chemicals and are equivalent to organic food labels (eco, biological, organic). Nothing is farther from the truth, because they have not been controlled and are not certified. Indeed, they may grow in the home garden, but with the use of chemical agents and near traffic roads!

Domestic food



Consumption of fruit on an empty stomach


Consumption of fruit on an empty stomach

Enjoy fruit only on an empty stomach?
Many authors of the bestselling book about weight loss advice us to consume fruit only on an empty stomach. Fruit is very quickly digest and passes through the stomach in less than half an hour. Completely different story is, if you eat fruit as a dessert after a meal or at the evening, when in the stomach remains still some undigested food. Fruit does not occur in nature to digest immediately, but begins in the digestive organs rot, while waiting for a series that is digested for protein, fat and carbohydrates, which stay in the stomach lasts several hours. This is the reason that you have indigestion or abdominal distention.

Consumption of fruit on an empty stomach

Some experts therefore recommend that you can enjoy fruit only in the morning on an empty stomach or three to four hours after ingestion of other substances. To a lot of people 'time hygiene' consumption of fruit help and defend it.

Consumption of fruit on an empty stomach


Fruits calories and carbohydrates

Fruits calories and carbohydrates

Any food that contains calories, makes you fat, and the fruit is no exception. In addition to calorie also contains a significant proportion of carbohydrates, which are deposited on the body in the form of fat pad, if you take them too. The maximum recommended amount of fruit by an adult can be consumed in one day is 500 grams, that can bring to 250 calories to your daily caloric intake. In addition, fruit, especially one that is green in color, contains a lot of carbohydrates and certain fruit (melon, watermelon, banana ...) is due to its high fructose content in some diets even prohibited. Due to previously mentioned beneficial substances in fruits it is by no means be completely waived if you only eat in moderation.

Fruits calories and carbohydrates


Fruit as a complete food

Fruit- a complete food

Recommendations by the consumption of fruit is very healthy, even the glorification of the fruit as a complete food, some people read very wrong, in good faith to benefit their body is literally overeating with fruit and enjoy it with every meal. Fruit itself - for example, the biologically produced - does contain many vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants, fiber and carbohydrates for energy, but your logic certainly already savvy that neither extreme is good and the excessive consumption of fruit, especially if it is mixed with other foods, may have negative effects on digestion, body weight and physical and mental well-being.
What if the consumption of fruit just is not so great?
Adult be as recommended by experts to eat daily between 250 and 500 grams of fruit, depending on age, gender, body weight, digestive characteristics of this food. If you eat more fruit daily, as it’s recommended, may occur indigestion, eructation, and abdominal pain. Dietitians and scientists have created a number of theories on how to enjoy the fruits that the optimal use of the body and from that you will not gain weight. Except the father of the protein diet, dr. Atkinson, no one else was so bold, that would advise that you should consume fruits completely waived.

Fruit- a complete food


Fruit-Source of Antioxidants

Fruit-Source of Antioxidants

We all know the fruit as a source of vitamins, but it is much more. Let us not forget the antioxidants. While our body produces its own antioxidants, its resistance also increased with daily consumption of foods containing antioxidants. The importance of antioxidants is still, despite numerous studies that speak to their advantage, the subject of lively debates. Antioxidants protect our organism against free radicals, produced by the body during metabolism, or are part of the defense against bacteria.
The body increases the production of free radicals, if we are over-exposed to environmental pollution, ultraviolet rays, cigarette smoke ... Fortunately, many foods contain antioxidants that help protect the body from danger. Neutralize free radicals, especially some vitamins E, C and A (beta-carotene) and minerals such as selenium (avocados, sea fish and seafood), zinc (red meat, fish, wheat germ ...) and copper (nuts, seeds ...).

Fruit-Source of Antioxidants

Antioxidant properties also have other substances in certain vegetables and fruits (cinarin in the artichokes). Antioxidants are in the food industry are also important preservatives. They add them to the margarine and oil that causes a disadvantage oxidation (rancidity) and help maintain a natural appearance.
Antioxidants in fruit juices to prevent a change in color to be added to wheat flour and improve the properties of the flour in baking. In order to ensure sufficient supply of natural vitamins and minerals and the antioxidants, it is still safer to eat more fresh dark green vegetables and yellow-red fruit with nuts and avocado at the forefront rather than only to turn to food supplements.

Fruit-Source of Antioxidants


Fruits and Vegetables- Agriculture

Fruits and Vegetables- Agriculture

Data from institutions various researches still shows the loading of fruit with pesticides, and often the consumer is confused and does not know what is better, eat fresh fruit and vegetables or not. The fact is that even in the processes of conventional agriculture use of fertilizers and pesticides is controlled. Residues of these and other materials for surface protection of fruit and vegetables during storage remain on the surface. So, a hygiene kind of food preparation dictates washing fruit (pears, apples, plums ...) and vegetables under cold running water before consume or cooked processed.

Fruits and Vegetables- Agriculture

You must also think of the enjoyment of peeled fruit, of course this is the banana, citrus and kiwi, by peeling pears, apples, peaches, apricots or plums you remove most of the substances causing the fruit at all enjoyable. Therefore buy seasonal fruit and vegetables (storage period is shorter), fruit and vegetables with no visible traces of rot, abrasion and other mechanical damage, immediately before ingestion of a good wash under running water, but never wash fruit and vegetables in large quantities of water!

Fruits and Vegetables- Agriculture


Fresh and Nutritious Fruit

Fresh and Nutritious Fruit

Tips for buying and preparing
Make sure that the fruit and vegetables, which you offer to your child, are fresh and nutritious. Even the best, if you get close to the production of an organic farm and then as quickly as possible spend, not the loss of nutrition. Do not buy on the stock; always prefer to offer fresh vegetables and seasonal fruit. Fruits and vegetables do not store in plastic bags.
Many organic products are brought from abroad, therefore, goes a considerable amount of time between the harvesting of fruits and use, which speaks in favor of home-produced biological products.

Fresh and Nutritious Fruit


Choice of Fruit

Choice of Fruit

How to convince a child that will enjoy as many fruits and vegetables?
One possibility is that the child has the choice of many different fruits and vegetables. If the choice of fruit is major, will be easier to find what it is really like.
Try to offer a child fruits and vegetables in a different way. More considered it will be interesting raw vegetable sticks than cooked on the plate. In addition, it is what they can eat with hands and soaked in different sauces, what's more interesting. Serve, therefore, in addition to vegetables still nutritious sauces and you got two fly to moss!
If the child does not like vegetables, you can trick them that vegetable after cooking mashed and serve as a puree. A few pieces of vegetables may be used after cooking the potatoes and make mashed. You can also hide the vegetables in the soup, the children are usually much preferred to vegetable soups, which are mixed, such as those under which the blue whole vegetables. In addition mixed vegetable soups can still offer soup balls and soup will have a better taste.

Choice of Fruit


Fruit in a little different way-Fruit Picnic

Fruit in a little different way-Fruit Picnic

In any time of year you can prepare a picnic. In the summer place blanket on the grass, winter can be a blanket for a picnic failed in the living room or playing-room. In smaller containers cut different fruits. In each dish give further toothpick or dessert fork and place on a blanket for a picnic. Children love feeding on a slightly different way, over the toothpicks are certainly enthusiastic and happy to be on it picking fruit and eat it (if the children are still small, toothpicks are not eligible, the better to eat with hands). Such a fruit picnic you will want to repeat more often. But be persistent: the picnic will be fruit or vegetable; do not replace healthy foods with cookies and chocolate bars!

Fruit in a little different way-Fruit Picnic


How tricked the child to eat fruit and vegetables?

How tricked the child to eat fruit and vegetables?

Children should be eaten five meals of fruit and vegetables daily, recommends World Health Organization (WHO). That means three times a day fruit and vegetables twice. How can this be achieved?
Fruits and vegetables contain plenty of nutrients for the brain, especially antioxidants and phytochemicals, this is a group of natural substances that have a whole range of medicinal effects.
It is important to encourage children to eat as many fruits and vegetables. There is evidence that vitamins and minerals improve the intelligence quotient - IQ.
Fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C, boron, selenium and carotene. Vegetables, however, provides enough iron, vitamin C, calcium, selenium, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc and boron.For the child's meal is already considered a glass of fruit juice or a handful of beans.

How tricked the child to eat fruit and vegetables?


Fruit-Caution in children

Fruit-Caution in children

Many parents still think that is good for children to consume many fruits, but the experts advise caution. For children who drink cider, their parents must take into account that this is often sweetened with fruit and sugar and children at a single meal with juice consumed 25 grams of fruit sugar.
Don’t eat on an empty stomach
Adults should be eaten on the day of about 500 grams of fruit, while the quantity recommended in children is less than half. The experts advised against consumption of fruit on an empty stomach, and also recommend its combination with other foods. Thus, fruit mixed with yogurt or cream, but avoid excessive quantities of apples, pears, figs, mangoes, pineapples and plums, as they hide, in particular, large quantities of fruit sugar.

Fruit-Caution in children


Fruit can be harmful

Even fruit can be harmful

Consumption of excessive amounts of fruit can cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and strong winds. Additionally, however, pay attention to the quantity of consumption of fruit sugar, which often like to forget.
From the German Association for the study of allergy have been reported that the consumption of excessive amounts of fruit cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and strong winds. Thus, adults would not have eaten more than 25 grams of fruit sugar in the day, but volume is arbitrarily reduced in people with diabetes because their body is not able to absorb the fruit sugar.

Even fruit can be harmful


Watermelon- Natural Viagra

Watermelon- Natural Viagra

Watermelon is a refreshing and tasty. Reminiscent of summer days with her freshen up, especially if it is cut in cubes and place in freezer. However, it contains substances that affect an erection.
Since the summer is before the door, take on a picnic chilled, delicious and nutritious watermelon. This contains a lot of potassium and many more Lycopene than tomatoes, which is a matter for the successful prevention of prostate cancer. Watermelon has a lot of amino acids, which very well affect the health of the organism. And it is this amino acid (Citrulline) is the one that would be the Watermelon natural Viagra.

Watermelon- Natural Viagra


Exotic fruits - Tamarillo Fruit

Exotic fruits - Tamarillo Fruit

Tamarillo is an exotic fruit of unusual appearance, when cut. While reminiscent of the tomato, so the external appearance as for use, and is therefore also known as tree tomatoes. Crude tamarillo is sour. It is very tasty with vanilla ice cream. From tamarillo you can prepare sauces for fish and chicken, cooked with sugar and a good meal for breakfast. Or you can prepare a delicious spicy mayonnaise, which fit the fried chicken. You can enjoy it fried, boiled, fried and fresh, and should say that the best friend for cooking.

Exotic fruits - Tamarillo Fruit


Carambola-Real Joy to See and Eat

Carambola-Real Joy to See and Eat

The fruit is large about 10 inches and interesting forms. When cut crosswise, the coils stars golden yellow, this is a real joy to see on the plate. The name of the fruit resulting from sanskrt words karmara, which means appetite promoter. The Chinese have, interestingly, named yang tao peach or caprine.
Better is cooked as the raw
Carambola has firm flesh, which tastes a bit reminiscent of strawberry, but it is only in countries where growing Carambola. Familiar with exotic fruits therefore recommend that Carambola enjoy cooked, because it has such a better taste. Carambolas briefly cook in the syrup or the often sweet water, and then add to fruit salads, or biscuit cakes... Chinese from Carambola prepared sweet-sour sauce called chutney, which served alongside roasted meat. 100 g of Carambola has only 23 calories, is rich with vitamin A and C, calcium and iron.

Carambola-Real Joy to See and Eat


Exotic fruits - Carambola or Starfruit

Exotic fruits - Carambola or Starfruit

Exotic fruits - Carambola or Starfruit
Carambola or starfruit
Carambola is a slow growing tree that is always green, has a very low tree and grows up to six meters in height. It has a dense and highly branched branching, to them thin and sensitive lists. In general, the carambola tree, a very sensitive and requires excellent conditions for growth, if it’s not at home. When flourish,has tiny white-pink flowers, which flower in small clusters. Carambola flourish several times a year, so that the tree itself to be at the same time, the flowers and fruits. The biggest producers of Carambola are Malaysia, Thailand and Israel.

Exotic fruits - Carambola or Starfruit


Exotic Fruits-Mango, Papaya

Exotic Fruits-Mango, Papaya

Sweet or savory is rich in vitamin C, since it contains even more than citrus fruit. Sweet red pepper contains carotenoids (prevent cancer) and a special substance called capiscain, which in the brain stimulates the production of endogenous opiates endorphins (reduce the perception of pain and affect mood). Savory pepper is useful in respiratory infections. Medium-sized raw pepper contains about 20 kilo calories.
Mango, Papaya.
Exotic fruit which is rich in vitamin C and A. Mangoes also contain B vitamins, especially B1 (important for the nervous system and energy) and B6 (strengthens the immune system). Half of mango or a thick slice of papaya contains 65 kilo calories.
Asian legume with its bioactive substances is real elixir of youth and vitality. Nutritional experts, therefore, those who want to stay young as long as possible, recommended to regularly use soybeans and its products (cheese tofu, Tempeh, Miso, soybean oil, milk, drinks, sauces, germ, yogurt, puddings, pasta, etc.. ). Daily should take of 30 to 50 grams of soybean.
Green tea.
Rich with antioxidants - vitamins, minerals, enzymes, plant dyes, and other bioactive substances. It is recommended each day to drink at least two cup of green tea, preferably without additives (milk, sugar, honey, lemon, etc.).. Gourmets friendly combined with dark chocolate.

Exotic Fruits-Mango, Papaya


Youth and Vitality-Appropriate Menu

Youth and Vitality-Appropriate Menu

Menu for the youthful appearance and feeling

By the youth and vitality, you can also help with the appropriate menu, which should contain the following foods:
Cabbages and Kale. They are rich with antioxidant vitamin C, which participates in the formation and preservation of collagen (supportive tissue, which contains the subcutaneous tissue) and in the reconstruction of cells and tissues. Also contain many useful plant materials, particularly fiber, while the poor with the calories in 100 grams, only 20 kilocalories.
They contain a lot of vitamin C, fruit acids, sugars and fiber. Stimulate the immune response and resistance of the organism, but to prevent bleeding, drying and aging of the skin and its sensitivity to adverse effects.
One kiwi fruit contains 70-80 mg of vitamin C (recommended daily dose is 60 mg), and so long provide for youth, health, vitality, well being and attractive appearance. At the same time is rich in fiber, which is beneficial for digestion. Medium-large kiwifruit contains 40 kilocalories.
Grapefruit contains the substance that reduces harmful LDL in the blood. Each grapefruit contains 80 kilocalories.

Youth and Vitality-Appropriate Menu


Face Mask from Fruits or Vegetables

Face Mask from Fruits or Vegetables

For the beautiful appearance of the face you not need to go to the beautician. You can do many for your skin by yourself, at home. Home-made masks are cheap and extremely effective.
To prepare domestic masks you must first know what type of skin you have and what your skin needs. Is the skin tired, the lack of humidity, or may need a lot of nutrients? In any case, you can feed your face at home.
Mask from fruit
If you want to refresh and purify the skin, the mask is formed from lemons, bananas, apples, avocados, grapefruit, pineapples, oranges or melons. Mixed fruit add yogurt or oats flour, for density the mask, to be better applied to the face.
Masks from vegetables
Among the vegetables you can choose by potatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage and tomatoes, for ease of application add sweet cream or white solid steppes.

Face Mask from Fruits or Vegetables


Aronia-Mysterious Healthy Fruit

Aronia-Mysterious Healthy Fruit

Strawberries of Aronia among the Indians were always respected as the miracle fruit, the modern world the tart berries declared as super food.
Why are healthy
It contains more anthocyanins, designed to protect against cancer, as any other fruit. Those antioxidants, which have the Aronia berries intense purple color, however, have proved as a strong defense in protecting against cardiovascular diseases, chronic inflammation and even liver damage in rats.
Where obtained
Find natural juices, which contain a mixture of aronia and others, charged with the antioxidants of fruit (blueberries, blackberries and acai), which reduced its intense flavor.

Aronia-Mysterious Healthy Fruit


Peruvian Cherry (Physalis)- Mysterious Healthy Fruit

peruvian-ground-cherry-fruit-interior.jpg by Strata Chalup
Peruvian Cherry (Physalis)- Mysterious Healthy Fruit

Mysterious Healthy Fruit: Peruvian Cherry (Physalis)
Dark yellow or orange fruits originate from South America. Fresh can also be found in some major shops, they are often on bags on the shelves with dried fruits.
Why are healthy?
Ration of dry Physalis contains 4 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber. Peruvian cherries are also an excellent source of vitamin A and antioxidants that they protect against diseases.

How do you enjoy this fruit
Dried fruits afford as a snack, like the eating raisins. They can be sprinkled on salad or flakes for breakfast. From fresh Physalis you can prepare refresh lunch or aromatic fruit salad.

Peruvian Cherry (Physalis)- Mysterious Healthy Fruit


Fruits and Vegetables can Heal Diseases

Fruits and Vegetables can Heal Diseases

Experts are more than satisfied: fruit and vegetables is not only healthy food, but makes us, beware, even healthy.
Experts are divided on. Fruits and vegetables can heal diseases, and some may be completely prevented. In Boston they did a study where the 100,000 patients demonstrated that the bananas to prevent certain diseases meshes.
If you eat three bananas a day, the risk of disease is reduced to one third. But also in other types of fruits are hidden healing effects. Kiwi fruit is in Japan has long been used in the treatment of cancer.
Cranberries reduce cholesterol in the blood and the pineapple is a very good against pain in the stomach. Even vegetables have their healing effects. Tomatoes, for example are known as a good weapon against cancer, but the celery helps inflammation of the bladder.

Fruits and Vegetables can Heal Diseases